The Basics

Melasma is a common pigmentary skin condition marked with brown to grey-brown splotches, usually on the cheeks, forehead, bridge of the nose, and upper lip.

Factors that can trigger or exacerbate include sun exposure, heat, changes in hormones, and irritating skin care products. For the majority of patients, melasma is stubborn and lasts years to a lifetime.

What to Expect

At Entière Dermatology, we use a tailored approach to manage sustained lightening of the skin with a combination approach with prescription topical medications, prescription oral medications (if necessary), herbal supplements, a bespoke skincare regimen, and in-office procedures.

Our Recommendations

Illuminate Peel: Our expert team performs customized chemical peels to brighten the skin with different chemicals such as glycolic acid, Jessner’s, or tricholoroacetic acid (TCA) depending on your melasma and skin type.

Derma-V: The most technologically advanced and powerful vascular laser in the world as the one of the most effective and least painful lasers with dual wavelength capability (564 nm and 1064 nm) to treat hyperpigmentation, melasma, and brown sun spots. 

Ultra™ Corrective: Superficial laser technology to gently resurface the skin to not only improve hyperpigmentation and texture with little to no downtime. Added bonus to use the laser to assist the delivery of skincare ingredients into the skin to treat hyperpigmentation.