The Basics
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive and well-tolerated procedure done by our provider to treat uncomplicated spider veins and uncomplicated reticular veins.
The treatment involves the injection of a solution into the affected veins.
What to Expect
An ultrasound may be ordered before the procedure depending on veins involved.
Bruising can occur at the site of injection.
Improvement can be seen as early as the first session but typically 3-4 sessions are required over 8 week intervals.
Our Recommendations
Wear compression stockings for 30 days, beginning immediately after treatment. For the first week after treatment, we recommend compression stockings 24 hours/day.
Stay active and leisurely walk after treatment.
You may apply moisturizer to your legs 24 hours after your treatment
Your leg should not be exposed to prolonged sunlight for 1 week. If you will be in the sun, please use sunblock liberally.
Minor discomfort or mild itching is common. An ice pack or Tylenol may help. Avoid antiinflammatories for one week (Advil, Motrin, Naproxen) as these can blunt the desired response to treatment.
*All pricing is subject to change, at the discretion of the Practice, on a case-by-case basis.