The Basics
Total ablative laser rejuvenation for deep wrinkles, crepey skin, and scars.
Fractional ablative resurfacing lasers is one of the effective, game-changing, and strongest laser treatments for total rejuvenation of the face or stubborn deep wrinkles and crepey skin in difficult areas such as around mouth and eyes by vaporizing microscopic columns of skin. At Entière Dermatology, we create individualized treatment plans to treat wrinkles, crepiness, or scars.
What to Expect
Oozing, crusting, swelling, and redness of the skin for 4-7 days is normal.
Redness to pinkness can last for up to 2-3 weeks.
Avoidance of sun exposure is required for 2 weeks after the treatment with regular sunscreen application and wearing hats and sunglasses.
Our Recommendations
Avoid tanning or a sunburn one month before the procedure.
Hold any exfoliants, retinoids, glycolic acid, and retinols for 1 week prior the procedure.
Use the post-treatment skincare routine with applying the healing cream, vinegar solution soaks, and regular sunscreen.
Avoid using makeup until the skin heals (usually at about 1 week).
Avoid chemical peels, facials, shaving, waxing, hair removal, microneedling, microdermabrasion, scrubbing, or any procedures for 2-4 weeks after.
If you have a history of cold sores or acne, please let your dermatologist know beforehand.

*All pricing is subject to change, at the discretion of the Practice, on a case-by-case basis.